Did you know that a high CO2 level in your premises significantly reduces the performance of your employees?

Several recent studies conducted in particular in Great Britain by renowned institutions demonstrate a direct cause-and-effect relationship between CO2 and performance.

In particular, it has been observed that when the CO2 rate exceeds 1000-1200ppm (parts per million) in premises, the concentration and performance of employees decreases by more than 12%.

Other tests conducted in academic settings have shown that people performing digital tests in an environment with less than 900-1000ppm (parts per million) respond 38% faster than people performing the same tests in an environment with more than 1200ppm.

From there, to check all infrastructures and air quality on a regular and immediate basis in companies, there is certainly room for reflection. Indeed, other “disrupters” play a role in the performance, efficiency and well-being of employees in a company: noise, work environment, processes, tools, atmosphere, etc.

Even if the values prescribed in the law are respected, each company should nevertheless check certain parameters related to good air quality in its premises once or twice because the positive or negative effects seem to be demonstrated.


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