Does pragmatism still have a chance…

We do not want to play the ominous birds or make the “flap-joy” but it seems clear that pragmatism no longer has much place in our hyperconnected and hyper-standard societies.

Having a simple, effective and pragmatic approach no longer seems to be part of the vocabulary or practice in business or business-client relationships. Everything is standardized, calibrated, audited, legally correct and beware of the one who wants to get out of the frame: he passes at best for an original and at worst for a potential crook …

Yet the world will certainly be much better off if industrial relations were based on a little more trust and pragmatism towards one’s contacts: at a time when most people have thousands of virtual friends on social networks, it almost makes you smile…

Let us not be naïve, the business world has evolved greatly and this in many areas. It is also important to have a solid and clear foundation to be able to work in an increasingly interconnected and random environment.

It is not so much the rules, guidelines, instructions, standards and other documents that are inconvenient in itself but much more the reading that is made of them: the options are often binary and the explanations of a staff insecure more and more abscond for most customers.

The one that is not for me is against me. This very abrupt formula leads us, without any doubt, to narrowing of thought or even to the rise of a grime populism. The global political environment unfortunately shows us that we are moving into an unwelcome direction at this level: let us simply count on a reversal of situation and dare to hope that pragmatism will return to forefront.

It remains to be seen whether anyone has an interest in returning to this pragmatism: probably no one because it occupies countless experts of all kinds and mobilizes forces and energies that should be allocated elsewhere.

Let’s be optimistic and let’s be a little crazy: let’s dream of a return to pragmatism and the foresight of young people: most have realized or realize that we must change our model and return to earth. Fingers crossed so that they can have the success and energy they need and can count on the pragmatism of the elders

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