The relativity of the world or the positive refocusing

The world is facing one of the greatest health crises in its modern history and unfortunately there will still be many dramas and disappointments about it in the coming weeks and months.

The pandemic has already flattened the main economic centres, forced half of humanity to confine itself and minimize interactions with others, not to mention families bereaved by the death of a loved one.

As a matter of principle and personal philosophy, let’s remain positive and dismiss the grumpy, the critical and the negative: there will always be, but the problem is that they usually make too much noise…

Institutions work, authorities make courageous decisions and actors essential to everyday life are at work. We can only congratulate them and thank them for their outstanding work on behalf of all the people and communities.

Also, out of respect for their commitment, we should think a little after that, when the containment measures are phased out, a “one block” deletion being almost excluded.

The world will certainly have changed and above all, we will all be richer with an extraordinary experience, in the sense of “out of the ordinary”. Will we be able to take advantage of our weeks of confinement to rethink our business models, our approaches to the market, globalization, travel, our relations to others?

It would be wrong to wait for business to pick up and start refocusing and approaching our environment in a simpler, more pragmatic way. We need to start thinking now.

Will this “new” world be less demonstrative or less “pretentious” than the previous one? The future will tell us.

One thing is certain: this crisis shows fragilities of the world, of our systems, and in a way, of our democracies. This pandemic relativizes all other concerns that are sometimes futile and illusory and replaces an “I” by an “we” in our priorities. When life and health become global issues, we can dream of a world that may be better and healthier if not more egalitarian.

Let’s be crazy, let’s be foresighted and forerunners, but first, let’s take care of ourselves!

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