In these uncertain times, it would be more than opportune to get to the essentials and maintain coherent thinking; stay in action, when some people are very inclined to “shoot the ambulance”. Why not do a little introspection on one’s weaknesses and doubts to draw out the best that is yet to come?
Criticism is positive when it remains constructive and justified. However, far too many people and companies criticise the authorities, scientific councils, or economic representatives when most of these bodies are simply trying to find the right “formula”.
How easy it is to criticise the captain when you are not at the helm: in the end, everyone bears their share of responsibility and must help to find a solution.
For most economic players, the pandemic will have had one merit: to question the strategy, the business model, and the approach:
• What are my strengths and weaknesses regarding my customers but also my employees?
• Has the market evolved and have my clients changed their habits in the medium term?
• What are the main opportunities for my company, my products, and their positioning?
• Is my approach to my suppliers and contracts still relevant or do I need to change my strategy?
• Are my approaches in terms of real estate and spaces still in line with my needs?
Naturally, these are huge projects, but we can hardly spare ourselves these reflections: starting again as before will certainly not make much sense, so it is better to anticipate.
The current period is particularly propitious because all the players are potentially ready to accept changes, however perfectible they may be customers, suppliers, managers, staff, and investors are aware that something must be done to continue the path to success.
As a matter of principle, it should be considered that everyone is trying to do their best: to be convinced of this is already positive!
It will always be early enough to learn from the mistakes of others, let us look at our own and act now.
Good thoughts and good reading.