Beyond the enormous health and economic challenges that lie ahead in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be appropriate to consider our workspaces now.
Many realized their attachment to their workspace and the place it was given in life with confinement. Our forced distance from this space is made up of intense activities, commitments, encounters, constraints sometimes, beginning to weigh. Isn’t it said that the holidays are beautiful because they are surrounded by work?
After the point of surprise, astonishment for some, we must already think of tomorrow and our way of apprehending our workspace.
There are a thousand methods, a thousand places, a thousand contexts in this field, but a central question remains: how to be effective, not only in terms of productivity, but in terms of approach, process: location and workspace are two key elements.
• Why should I always sit at the same place when my activities differ? • Why can’t I be more efficient by working 1-2 days a week from home? • Why do I have to have an agenda full of appointments when a more spontaneous approach might be more effective? • What brings me to work: obligations and/or the pleasure of socializing?
It is difficult to answer these questions individually. It is therefore time for economic and political tenors, because laws and facilitations are important, to seize these aspects and propose “win-win” solutions.
In any major crisis like the pandemic we are experiencing, we can take positives away and “reinvent” the world in which and with whom we want to live and work.
Open, shared, flexible workspaces that allow for positive interactivity should be the rule. Presenteeism has never meant productivity, there are many other tools for this: leadership, motivation, the right tools and spaces, the sharing of knowledge…
Let’s not forget after the crisis that “more” does not necessarily mean “better”. Let’s dream that all the companies in this country are reinventing their worlds…
Take good care of yourself