Why always oppose things rather than see them complement each other?

Reading the press and listening to specialists from all sides lately, things seem to have become binary and, above all, they seem to oppose rather than complement each other.

The latest demonstration to date is naturally linked to COVID-19, where most of the actors talking about work, telework or return to work almost systematically oppose traditional work and telework or “before work” and “after work”, whereas the elements can be intelligently combined.

To be clear, most companies will have to reinvent themselves in terms of workspaces and the various forms will coexist. This means finding a system, processes and approaches that allow work to be done in the company and teleworking 1-2 days a week for example.

On the other hand, one thing must be clear: this is not something that can be improvised, and COVID-19 has forced many managers and employees to telework without being prepared for it. So, everyone went their own way, according to their own desires, which caused many users to have a mixed feeling and, above all, an obvious lack of conduct…

The press almost never mentioned the fact that after a return to “normal”; the two approaches must and can complement each other perfectly. However, the recent survey conducted by an audit office is clear on this subject: more than half of the Swiss want to continue the experience of teleworking, which in no way means that they “only” want to telework.

Let us give them and their employers the means to do so in harmony and intelligence.

At the risk of sounding like an opportunist, we must nevertheless mention that French-speaking Switzerland has a certain number of specialists in this field. Let us dare to hope that they will be consulted after this atypical phase, to say the least, that we have just gone through in the last two months. Believe it or not, I am not thinking of myself but of many of my colleagues who have been doing excellent work for many years in these areas and who are only too happy to contribute their knowledge to our economy.

Will they be heard and consulted? At the right time…

Have a good read and above all, take care of yourself!

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